Tienda GEO
Cursos y Certificaciones
Profesionistas Certificados
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The Toyota Way, Second Edition - 14 Management Principles from the World's Great
The Toyota Way - 14 Management Principles from the World's Greatest Manufacturer
The Toyota Template - The Plan for Just-In-Time and Culture Change Beyond Lean T
The Toyota Product Development System - Integrating People, Process, and Technol
The Toyota Kaizen Continuum - A Practical Guide to Implementing Lean
The Modern Theory of the Toyota Production System - A Systems Inquiry of the Wor
The 7 Kata - Toyota Kata, TWI, and Lean Training
Quick Changeover for Operators - The SMED System
Pull Production for the Shopfloor
Practical TPM - Successful Equipment Management at Agilent Technologies
Poor-Quality Cost - Implementing, Understanding, and Using the Cost of Poor Qual
Poka-Yoke - Mejorando la Calidad del Producto Evitando los Defectos
Pocket Guide to TQM
One Team on All Levels - Stories from Toyota Team Members
OEE for Operators - Overall Equipment Effectiveness
Lean Six Sigma in the Age of Artificial Intelligence - Harnessing the Power of t
Kanban y Just-in-Time en Toyota
Just-in-Time for Operators
Job Shop Lean - An Industrial Engineering Approach to Implementing Lean in High-
Inside the Mind of Toyota - Management Principles for Enduring Growth